Innovation Cluster

The Innovation Cluster Tech & Startup Ecosystem Hessen is an initiative by the State of Hessen to promote networking and cooperation between the startup and innovation centers in Hessen.

With the close involvement of key players, the real economy and universities, the focus is on implementing Hessen-wide startup and transfer programs in addition to exchanging content and mutual learning.

The goals of the Innovation Cluster include:

  • Increase the number of startups

  • Improve the visibility and attractiveness of the location for investors, among others

  • Attract startup talent and startups from other regions and countries

The specific measures to strengthen startup and transfer activities are to be developed and implemented under the leadership of the Hessen startup, transfer and innovation centers in cooperation and joint projects.

Planned measures within the framework of the Innovation Cluster include:

  • Networking: Integration and Networking of existing institutions and key players in the Hessen tech and startup ecosystem

  • Innovation formats: Implementation of workshops and conferences to identify required measures and innovation formats

  • Startup and transfer programs: Development and provision of a program concept for startup and transfer programs involving relevant startup, transfer and innovation centers

  • Visibility: Creation of an umbrella brand with international visibility for joint activities of the Hessen startup, transfer and innovation centers

The Innovation Cluster Tech & Startup Ecosystem Hessen will be implemented with financial support from the state of Hessen in the period from 01.12.2022 to 31.12.2024. The cluster operator is Fintech Community Frankfurt GmbH (TechQuartier). The cluster operation is financed proportionally from public and private funds.

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