
Co-Founder Max Schnettler (on the right) and the veli team.

Learn How Startup Veli Accelerated Its Journey In The Fundraising Readiness Program




Alessandra Schuhmann


In the fast-paced world of startups, fundraising readiness is crucial for businesses looking to secure investment and take their ventures to new heights.

TechQuartier has established itself as a leading destination for entrepreneurs seeking comprehensive support on their fundraising journey. In this blog post, we'll delve into TechQuartier's and StartHub Hessen’s Fundraising Readiness Program and showcase the transformative journey of Veli, a life science and data-driven startup that thrived through their participation.

TechQuartier's Fundraising Readiness Program is a free workshop-form that that primarily caters to startups, entrepreneurs and professionals in the tech sector. These ambitious, Hessen-based founders are looking for guidance on how to prepare for investor meetings, to reach out to potential investors, and to become fundraising-ready in terms of crucial elements such as pitch decks, cap tables, and financial term sheets.

Veli's Journey

The idea to found and start developing Veli was already born in 2018 at the University of Kassel. They finally founded the startup in 2023.

What’s the idea?
The generated data in the household during the day is able to detect dangerous situations.

How does it work?
Everybody, especially seniors, has a regular daily routine, which rarely changes, i.e.: you get up at 7:00 am in the morning, switch on the light, have breakfast, wash yourself, etc.. All these movements leave a pattern of use that electricity and water meters record. If there are deviations here, it can be assumed that a household accident, such as a fall or similar, has occurred. Here, Veli provides the interface between the person and the help provider and alerts them when help is needed.

Veli, as a fast-forward thinking startup, embarked on a transformational journey within TechQuartier's Fundraising Readiness Program. Their experience highlights the program's immense value in equipping startups with the necessary tools and expertise to excel in fundraising.

First phase: Workshop

Dr. Sebastian Schäfer, co-founder of the TechQuartier, an industry expert with a wealth of experience in startup fundraising, guided Veli and other participants on the initial day of the program. Through immersive sessions and engaging discussions, Sebastian provided valuable insights into the fundraising process in the VC and business angel landscape, sharing best practices and emphasizing the key components of a compelling pitch deck. 

"After the first day, it was clear to us that we had to ask ourselves the question: Do we want ‘just money’ or also expertise from an investor?" 

Second phase: Deep Dive into Finance with Dr. Arndt Schwaiger and CapTable with Ingo Franz

Dr. Arndt Schwaiger, a seasoned financial expert, led Veli and the other program participants through a deep dive into financial topics critical to securing investor interest. Veli took this opportunity to enhance their financial acumen, refine their financial projections and align their business strategy with investors' expectations. Arndt's hands-on guidance and practical approach significantly improved Max’s understanding of a good structured financial term sheet. But also Ingo Franz’ practical approach of showcasing real life business plans had an impact of Veli’s fundraising readiness.

Third Phase: Individual Coaching: Tailored Support for Veli's Success

TechQuartier's Fundraising Readiness Program offers participants the opportunity for individual coaching and allows them to receive tailored support from a diverse group of experts. Veli made a strategic choice to work closely with Markus Krückemeier, a renowned investor relations and fundraising strategy expert. Under Markus' guidance, Veli received personalized coaching to fine-tune their pitch deck and overall fundraising approach. Markus helped Veli craft a clear and persuasive narrative, refine their messaging and develop a compelling story that resonated with potential investors. This individual coaching phase, tailored to Veli's specific needs, proved invaluable in boosting their confidence and preparing them for engaging with investors.


TechQuartier's Fundraising Readiness Program played not only a pivotal role in Veli's journey towards fundraising success and provided Veli with access to industry experts, an extensive network and a supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs. Through networking events, knowledge sharing and collaboration opportunities, Veli was able to forge valuable connections and tap into the collective wisdom of the startup ecosystem.

What’s the conclusion?

TechQuartier's Fundraising Readiness Program played not only a pivotal role in Veli's journey towards fundraising success and provided Veli with access to industry experts, an extensive network and a supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs. Through networking events, knowledge sharing and collaboration opportunities, Veli was able to forge valuable connections and tap into the collective wisdom of the startup ecosystem.

"Here you can approach each other, get to know each other, have a coffee and share your experiences.” 

The exchange between startups is what sets TechQuartier apart from the crowd and makes our impact so relevant to the Hessian ecosystem. “We'll be happy to participate in upcoming networking events," he added with a smile. 

What is the status of Veli's current financing round?

We can't reveal much, but the startup is aiming for a 7-digit amount. We are more than sure that they will succeed in their venture and wish them a great success.


Watch their channels: LinkedIn and Website to see how it works out!

Want to participate in the Fundraising Readiness Program, too?

Then join us and apply for a place in the upcoming edition at TechQuartier. Reach out to Tim and figure out how this program can support you and your startup for success.
