TQ Accelerator: Digital Finance - Network Event: Embedded Finance


July 2 - 18:00




Our third open event will highlight the world of embedded finance. This is where mobile devices, APIs and interesting collaborations play. How are the customer demands shaping new technology and changing the finance sector? Let’s find out and hear from startup founders from Banxware, fincite, Tidely, Tapline and QPLIX.

The Agenda:

18:00 - Welcome
Dr. Sebastian Schäfer, Managing Director TechQuartier

18:10 - Keynote: Embedded Finance State of the Art
Lars Markull, Embedded Finance Advisor
Friedhelm A. Schmitt, Founder & Co-CEO, fincite

18:30 - Panel: Is Embedded Lending the Better Lending?
Miriam Wohlfarth, Founder & Co-CEO, Banxware
Niclas Storz, Founder and CEO, Tidely GmbH
Peter Grouev, Chief Investement Officer, Tapline

19:30 - Panel: Powering Investments with Embedded Finance
Joris Hensen, Founder & Co-Lead of Deutsche Bank API Pro
Philip Schäfer, Director Client Solutions, QPLIX
Philipp Pötzl, Co-Founder / CTO / Managing Director, QPLIX
Martin Schaffranski, Head of Digital Products Tech, DWS Group

20:15 - Networking